[SOLVED] Where to start - Xrecode 3 (1.61) hangs

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[SOLVED] Where to start - Xrecode 3 (1.61) hangs

Post by earthling »

Running xrecode3 64 bit, 1.61
Windows 10 Creator (1703)
6 Core (12 logical) 3.33Ghz System although three different system exhibit the same problem
16GB Ram
Library is on a NAS (FreeNas)
Network is Gige - hardwired, typical speeds at 99% capacity
Other applications running which access the same data include
MediaMonkey, Roon, Foobar, dbpoweramp, VLC, etc..

Adding a group of 39 artist folders (39 artist, 160 total folders, 1500 tracks) to Xrecode takes upwards of a half hour until it stops all activity. The main application is running according to task manager and according to process monitor it has somewhere between 6 and 17 threads running (14 typical). For the most part it is using very little to zero CPU. Eventually the app hangs (non-responsive) but not always, sometimes it will just sit there and if you try to close it, you will be prompted for 'are you sure' or something like that.

If I add one artist folder, whether from the context menu or from the UI it works. If I add 5 it works, if I try to add 10 it hangs. Ok,, never mind, I found the problem..

Now documenting in case someone else runs into it. There was a rar file in one of the folders (the 10th one as it turns out) which had a complex structure and it is locked by some external process. When I deleted this file (from the NAS) the problem goes away. I can now add all of the folders in a large group and the program is running much faster. Threads jumps up to 25, CPU now is climbing higher (2%) on folder scan, and it completes all of the processing.
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Re: Where to start - Xrecode 3 (1.61) hangs

Post by admin »

Good that you resolved it yourself :) Yes, program handles archive files as well and if there are many of them, that will be slow. Original idea was to handle just one of them when added to the program by user intentionally, not like in your case.
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Re: Where to start - Xrecode 3 (1.61) hangs

Post by earthling »

Definitely an issue with 7-Zip. It really slows down the process and occasionally stalls it completely or the timeout is beyond my limited patience/attention span. I wrote a simple batch for those that run into this problem.
-------------------------------------- copy below into a file called batchrename.bat ----------------------------------
echo on
echo " e.g.c:\BatchRename *.zip *.zip_"
echo "will rename all files with the .zip with the .zip_ in all subdirs"

for /r %%x in (%1) do ren "%%x" %2

-------------------------------------- copy above into a file called batchrename.bat ---------------------------------

Made it easy for me to temporarily bypass all of the zip files and then bring them all back (I have over a thousand zip files in those dirs)
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