[SOLVED] console version: split single wav to tracks with covers and create m3u and cue

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[SOLVED] console version: split single wav to tracks with covers and create m3u and cue

Post by kgregs »


apologies for a newb question, likely already covered, that I couldn't find in the faq/tutorial/forums.

I have a folder containing many CDs ripped to single .wav files with accompanying .cue and .jpg album art files.
I'd like to split tracks into a folder per CD and encode them as either mp3 or flac (both, actually) files that include the album art in each track as front cover along with associated .m3u and .cue files that are created.

I have figured out how to do all that in the GUI, pretty amazing piece of software! But I'd like to be able to do the same with the console version.

I have figured out how to do the encoding and file naming/management and create m3u and cue files from the command line but can't find the right combination of options to include cover art in the tracks I'd appreciate any tips, hints, or pointers to other forum posts.
Last edited by kgregs on Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: console version: split single wav to tracks with covers and create m3u and cue

Post by admin »

What's the file name of the album art cover file? In the GUI version do you have this option enabled - https://imgur.com/8PFn5YO?
Also, please post the full command line you are using.
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Re: console version: split single wav to tracks with covers and create m3u and cue

Post by kgregs »

I have my metadata set like: https://imgur.com/RaBY7tf
and don't search for covers since .jpg cover art is already downloaded for each album similar to: https://imgur.com/9JLb8La
so that with the wav folder selected for input, mp3 (or flac) encoding and output destination set appropriately: https://imgur.com/agUefmp
i get the results I'm after (with covers included in each track): https://imgur.com/XVmMDL2

Easy, right? I'd like to achieve the same with the console version and have tried many things, including:
xrecode3cx64.exe -i "C:\Files\wav\*.cue" -o "C:\Files\mp3\" /pfilename "%albumartist%\%album%\%track2% - %title%" /dest mp3 /mcmd "-V0" /createm3u /createcue /coverfilename "C:\Files\wav\%albumartist% - %album%.jpg"

Which seems to do everything except include the cover art in each track: https://imgur.com/sFjcSL5
I'm sure I don't "get" something about the way metadata is handled, especially in the console version of xrecode3
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Re: console version: split single wav to tracks with covers and create m3u and cue

Post by admin »

OK, here's an update to try - https://xrecode.com/test/setup_xrecode3 ... e_1.140.7z
By default console version searches for the external covers unless the /nsec parameters is set.
The file names used are front.*, cover.*, folder.*.
Now the program will also try to find the cover file which matches the cue file name, as in your example.
Please let me know how it worked.
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Re: console version: split single wav to tracks with covers and create m3u and cue

Post by kgregs »

Works perfectly!!!

Includes album art (as front cover) from local .jpg file matching .wav file name found in the same folder. Also verify that the local cover is not used if /nsec is specified on the command line for both mp3 with the command:
xrecode3cx64.exe -i "C:\Files\wav\*.cue" -o "C:\Files\mp3\" /pfilename "%albumartist%\%album%\%track2% - %title%" /dest mp3 /mcmd "-V0" /createm3u /createcue
and flac with the command:
xrecode3cx64.exe -i "C:\Files\wav\*.cue" -o "C:\Files\flac\" /pfilename "%albumartist%\%album%\%track2% - %title%" /dest flac /compression 5 /createm3u /createcue

Is the /coverfilename "C:\Files\wav\%albumartist% - %album%.jpg" option only used to save cover files during metadata extraction operations?
My particular cover naming convention may be a little non-standard and I wonder if others might need a way to set its format (like /pfilename).
Do you use the .wav file name as a template or the FILE "command" from the cue sheet?

Thanks so much! I'd like to mark this as solved.
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Re: console version: split single wav to tracks with covers and create m3u and cue

Post by admin »

It's the actual audio file, because FILE in cue most often than not points to non existing file. Either just the extension is wrong or the name is totally wrong.
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[SOLVED] Re: console version: split single wav to tracks with covers and create m3u and cue

Post by kgregs »

Perfect, good to know. Thanks for the software update and early chance to test the beta.
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