Is there a way to suppress or hide conversion information in command line ?
Getting this for every songs of albums... (that's what i'd like to hide)
Added 1 files. Please wait... [Normalizing] / Progress: 3% / Threads: 1 / Elapsed: 00:00:00 / Remaining: 00:00:03 / Files: 0/1 [Normalizing] / Progress: 9% / Threads: 1 / Elapsed: 00:00:00 / Remaining: 00:00:02 / Files: 0/1 [Normalizing] / Progress: 15% / Th
reads: 1 / Elapsed: 00:00:00 / Remaining: 00:00:01 / Files: 0/1 [Normalizing] / Progress: 21% / Threads: 1 / Elapsed: 00:00:00 / Remaining: 00:00:01 / Files: 0/1 [Normalizing] / Progress: 27% / Threads: 1 / Elapsed: 00:00:00 / Remaining: 00:00:01 / Files: 0/
1 [Normalizing] / Progress: 33% / Threads: 1 / Elapsed: 00:00:00 / Remaining: 00:00:01 / Files: 0/1 [Normalizing] / Progress: 39% / Threads: 1 /
Apart that, using your app almost everyday and it works really great...
[SOLVED] Hide Progression informations in command line
Re: Hide Progression informations in command line
Here's the update to try https://xrecode.com/test/setup_xrecode3 ... e_1.119.7z
You can now use the -q parameter to suppress the progress information.
You can now use the -q parameter to suppress the progress information.
[SOLVED] Re: Hide Progression informations in command line
Just tried and works great...
Thanks for this additional switch.. Keep up the good work
Just tried and works great...
Thanks for this additional switch.. Keep up the good work