How to convert the CUE to CUE by preserving the file name and reusing the CUE file

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How to convert the CUE to CUE by preserving the file name and reusing the CUE file

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For example, if there's CUE file named "Disc 1.cue" and "Disc 1.wav" as audio file and you want to covert it to FLAC by preserving the audio file name and then CUE file (only row FILE "Disc 1.wav" WAVE will be updated), here's how to do it.
  • Add CUE file(s) to the program.
  • Choose "Merge" as Action.
  • Make sure "Merge per folder" and "Reuse original CUE if possible" are checked.
  • Open settings (by pressing Ctrl+T). Go to Patterns.
  • Make sure %originalfilename% is set as Merge pattern.
  • That's it. Press Start to proceed.