15.02.2025 - version 1.163 - FIX: fixed GnuDB access. 03.02.2025 - version 1.162 - FIX: fixed the issue where the selected row went out of the screen when scrolling through many tracks via the keyboard . - FIX: small UI fixes. - NEW: added functionality to read tags from .tta files. 05.01.2025 - version 1.161 - NEW: updated French and Polish translations. 18.12.2024 - version 1.160 - NEW: updated to the latest qaac (2.83). - FIX: added %lossy% file name pattern element. More info at https://xrecode.com/wiki/index.php?title=File_Name_Pattern_Elements#Lossy%2FLossless. - FIX: fixed reading of id3 tags from some wav files. 17.11.2024 - version 1.159 - FIX: fixed issue when sometimes not all temp files were deleted. - NEW: (console): added /cof parameter to specify non-audio files to copy to the destination foder, e.g. /cof "folder*;cover*". 27.10.2024 - version 1.158 - FIX: fixed issue when program froze for some files when encoding to flac and using the flac.exe as an encoder. - NEW: added option specify the name of the output cue file (under Settings/CUE). 28.09.2024 - version 1.157 - FIX: fixed issue when ignore INDEX 00 in CUE files was not always used. - NEW: added option to save the CUE pre-gap track as a separate track (under Settings/CUE). 27.08.2024 - version 1.156 - FIX: fixed issue track was not auto-incremented in Metadata editor when Merge was selected as an Action. - NEW: added support for .spx files decoding. 09.08.2024 - version 1.155 - FIX: fixed issue with the Loudness Normalization when used together with Remove Silence. - NEW: fixed issue when the the track lengths were not shown for the DTS Audio CDs. 23.07.2024 - version 1.154 - FIX: fixed issue when wavpack setting were not always properly saved. 10.07.2024 - version 1.153 - NEW: added CUE support to DSD wavpack extract. 02.07.2024 - version 1.152 - NEW: it is now possible to extract DSD wavpack files to dff/dsf using the Extract action. 12.06.2024 - version 1.151 - FIX: fixed reading of id3 tags from some wav files. 31.05.2024 - version 1.150 - FIX: fixed encoding of some multichannel files. 15.05.2024 - version 1.149 - FIX: fixed encoding of some multichannel files. 10.05.2024 - version 1.148 - NEW: updated to libopus 1.5.2. 20.04.2024 - version 1.147 - FIX: fixed handling of some DVDA iso files. - NEW: added manual command line support for other than lame.exe mp3 encoder. 07.04.2024 - version 1.146 - FIX: fixed incorrect warning when trying to convert AIF to lossless format. 28.03.2024 - version 1.145 - FIX: fixed handling of date metadata tag when converting from flac to m4a. - FIX: fixed issue when program froze while opening certain .wav files. - FIX: fixed issue of handling of some 5.0 flac files. - NEW: updated to libopus 1.5.1. 20.02.2024 - version 1.144 - FIX: fixed error when merging mp3 files. 20.02.2024 - version 1.143 - FIX: fixed handling of "album artist" tag in some flac files. 01.02.2024 - version 1.142 - FIX: fixed "Duplicates not allowed" error when switching between profiles. 19.01.2024 - version 1.141 - FIX: fixed small UI glitch. - FIX: save Performer and Composes tags when merging. - FIX: fixed issue with converting some Flac to WMA. 03.01.2024 - version 1.140 - FIX: fixed issue when lossy to lossless confirmation was shown for DSD encoded source/dest files. - FIX: fixed 8bit to 8bit flac transcoding error. - FIX: fixed split by silence for non stereo files. - FIX: fixed issue when dynamic range parameters field was hidden. - NEW: added command line parameter /profile to specify the profile to use. - NEW: added aac as M4A output file extension option. 07.11.2023 - version 1.139 - FIX: fixed detection of some DTS Audio CDs. - FIX: fixed 4.0 audio encoding via Surcode. - NEW: added support for external .webp covers. - NEW: (console): added /ape as a destination. 11.10.2023 - version 1.138 - FIX: small UI fixes. 04.09.2023 - version 1.137 - FIX: fixed lame encoder issue with some specific file names. 16.08.2023 - version 1.136 - FIX: fixed issue when sometimes incorrect outpt path was constructed with pattern element %disc3%. - FIX: fixed processing of some .m3u files. - NEW: Metadata can now be sorted in the Retrieve Metadata window. 06.08.2023 - version 1.135 - FIX: fixed issue when the preseved timestamp of the 1st folder was applied to all folders. 01.08.2023 - version 1.134 - FIX: fixed issue with exporting/importing metadata for some files. 19.07.2023 - version 1.133 - NEW: updated to flac 1.4.3. - NEW: added option to encode to 32bit flac. The 32bit output will only be used when set explicitly to preserve the compatibility with the older software/hardware players which do not support the 32bit flac files. 01.07.2023 - version 1.132 - NEW: check if Recycle Bin is available for the drive before trying to move files there.". - NEW: added option to delete files even if moving to Recycle Bin failed(under Program Settings/Misc). - FIX: fixed issue when some .wav files were incorrectly detected as adpcm_ea_xas instead of pcm. 11.06.2023 - version 1.131 - NEW: added support for CUE filw with indexes in hh:mm:ss format.". - FIX: fixed handling of larger than 2GB dtshd files. 01.06.2023 - version 1.130 - FIX: fixed CUE to dsd encoding issue for some audio files. - FIX: jpeg error #42 when transcoding some audio files. - NEW: added option to specify the output matrix for "Split into file per channel". 11.05.2023 - version 1.129 - FIX: fixed issue when encoding a mono file to mp3 by using a manual command line. 06.05.2023 - version 1.128 - FIX: ERROR: Cannot rename file ... to ... (2). - NEW: upgraded to opus 1.4. 26.04.2023 - version 1.127 - FIX: fixed issue when saving front cover to file was not always converted to the specified format. - NEW: added pattern element %disc4%. If the disc value for all tracks within one folder is equal to 1 or 1/1, it will be discarded, otherwise the value of disc will be used. 18.04.2023 - version 1.126 - NEW: added dark theme support. It will be used when the Windows has the dark theme enabled). There's an option under Settings/UI to enable/disable it. - NEW: added option to specify the covers format (under Program Settings/Metadata). 14.03.2023 - version 1.125 - FIX: fixed issue with ReplayGain information was not saved in .dsf file. - FIX: fixed AV error when adding .mid files. - FIX: fixed issue when program skipped processing files in the same folder when "When output file exists" was set to "Overwrite when source file is newer". - FIX: fixed issue when 7.1 Output Audio Matrix was not working properly. - FIX: fixed issue when original file was not move to the Recycle Bin when both options "Move source file to Recycle Bin when done" and "Create files in source folder" were used. - NEW: added option to "Always ask where to create files" (under Program Settings/Process). - NEW: added Retrobridge CDDB metadata provider. 18.01.2023 - version 1.124 - FIX: fixed issue with extracting .aac files to .m4a. 08.01.2023 - version 1.123 - FIX: fixed 4.0 to 5.1 flac transcoding issue. - FIX: fixed 5.1 to 2.0 dsd transcoding issue. - FIX: fixed 64 bit installer so that it can be run on Windows arm under MacOS. - NEW: added function to select all album items in the Metadata editor by pressing F6 (works on main or any sub-item). - NEW: added option to always use the temp path when transcoding the files (under Program Settings/Misc). Files will be processed in the temp folder and only then copied to the destination. 01.11.2022 - version 1.122 - NEW: updated to flac 1.4.2. - NEW: added 705600 to the WAV, W64 and RF64 output sample rates list. - FIX: use the flac Metadata padding block when encoding to flac. - FIX: fixed issue with handling of some .CUE files. 03.09.2022 - version 1.121 - FIX: fixed issue with extracting some DFF/CUE tracks. - FIX: fixed issue with handling of some .m4a files. - FIX: fixed issue with handling of some .CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue with converting some Flac to WMA. - FIX: some UI tweaks. 06.08.2022 - version 1.120 - FIX: fixed issue with extracting some DFF/CUE tracks. - NEW: added feature to set the output sample rate manually to any custom value (currently for flac and wav encoders only). 15.06.2022 - version 1.119 - FIX: fixed issue with decoding of some .mp2 files. - FIX: fixed issue when id3v1 tags were not read from some mp3 files. - FIX: fixed issue when .aiff files were ignored by the program. - NEW: fixed issue with handling of some .cue files. - NEW: fixed issue with handling of some .wav files. - NEW: added 64 bit float encoding/decoding support for WAV, RF64 and W64 formats. 09.04.2022 - version 1.118 - FIX: fixed crash when opening some aif files. - NEW: updated to flac 1.3.4. - NEW: (console): it is now possible to pass multiple /i parameters to add several individual files to the program. 12.03.2022 - version 1.117 - NEW: added "Copy file if the input sample rate is less or equal to the output sample rate" and "Skip file if the input sample rate is less or equal to the output sample rate" options under Flac/Transcode settings. - FIX: fixed AV error when transcoding DSD files. 04.03.2022 - version 1.116 - FIX: fixed issue when "Capitalize first word" wasn't applied to a single word value. - FIX: fixed issue when cleared recent files re-appeared after the program was restarted. - NEW: upgraded to soxr soxr-0.1.3. - NEW: (console): added /tc command line parameter to always transcode (e.g. when merging MP3 files). - NEW: (console): added /nocue command line parameter do disable creation of CUE file. 03.01.2022 - version 1.115 - FIX: fixed issue when mp3 encoder didn't always use the sample rate set under the Output Audio settings. - NEW: added Webp suppor to covers and Cover Converter. - NEW: tweaked the Settings size to fit into lower resolution displays. - NEW: added %releasecountry% as a filename pattern element. - NEW: added Hungarian language support. 11.11.2021 - version 1.114 - FIX: fixed issue when exhale encoded m4a file covers where not displayed by the Windows Explorer. - FIX: do not try to guess the input file size of the .iso files tracks. - FIX: fixed issue with the click at the end of some produced .dsf files. - FIX: fixed handling of Vinyl style (A1, A2, B1, B2...) track numbers in filename pattern, for files also having TOTALTRACKS populated. - FIX: fixed "Argument out of range" error when handling some .mp4 files. - NEW: added option to ignore INDEX 00 in CUE files (under Settings/CUE). - NEW: 4-digit DATE tag in FLAC files will be written as a YEAR tag when converted to mp3. - NEW: it i snow possible to add files to a specified tab/profile from the shell extension. - NEW: added function to load Audiobook chapters from the .txt file. - NEW: added option to turn off the converting of progressive jpegs to baseline (under Program Settings/Misc). 15.08.2021 - version 1.113 - FIX: fixed issue when "Utilities/Convert cover files" remained disabled. - FIX: fixed issue when "ALBUM ARTIST" tag in mp3 was written as ENSEMBLE in ogg files. - NEW: changed internal WavPack DSD encoder settings to match "-hh -x6" of the command line tool. As a result the output file size is greatly reduced. - NEW: added support for Exhale (xHE-AAC Encoder) under M4A Settings. - NEW: added "Audiobook" to the default genres. 10.06.2021 - version 1.112 - FIX: fixed issue when chapters in .mkv files were not picked up. - FIX: fixed issue when some non standard tags were discarded from m4a files. 24.04.2021 - version 1.111 - FIX: fixed rare AV error. - FIX: fixed incorrect warning when trying to convert ALAC to lossless format. - FIX: fixed issue when some merged .dsf track produced a loud click at the beginning. - FIX: fixed DFF to DTS encoding error. - FIX: fixed issue when TagsReplace file was applied after the tags were edited manually. - FIX: fixed issue when TagsReplace file was applied after the tags were edited manually. - FIX: fixed issue when newline symbols were not handled properly when copying and pasting the Metadata. - NEW: added option to disable creation of Dynamic Range report file (under Program Settings/Misc). - NEW: when using Utilities/Normalize timestamps for files will be preserved automatically. - NEW: file name patterns starting with ..\ are now considered legal and won't be cleaned up. - NEW: CUE title field will be populated with the filename if there are no tags in the source file. - NEW: it is now possible to specify the file types for "Use input file chapters" option. 21.02.2021 - version 1.110 - FIX: fixed "FLAC init failed" error for some files. - NEW: added feature to add Audio CDs to the program via drag and drop - NEW: (console): added /nebl command line parameter to specify EBUR128 target level. More info at https://xrecode.com/wiki/index.php?title=Command_Line - NEW: (console): improved /nsit command line parameter. More info at https://xrecode.com/wiki/index.php?title=Command_Line 21.01.2021 - version 1.109 - FIX: fixed CDDB metadata retrieval for some CDs. 18.01.2021 - version 1.108 - FIX: fixed incorrect warning when trying to convert MLP to lossless format. - NEW: when encoding WAV to wavpack, the input file tags (e.g. markers) will be preserved. Option "Use input file chapters" must be turned off for this to work. - NEW: (console): added /nochapters command line parameter to ignore input file chapters. 12.12.2020 - version 1.107 - FIX: fixed encoding detection in some .CUE files - FIX: fixed error "Could not load library avcodec-58.dll : 126" on Windows 10 N - FIX: fixed decoding of some DVDA iso files - NEW: added option to create Audiobook from the shell extension. 30.11.2020 - version 1.106 - FIX: fixed issue when illegal characters where not removed from the track title coming from the CUE file. - FIX: program will now preserve the order of added folders (they were sorter before). - FIX: fixed issue when profile name could not contain a comma. - FIX: fixed issue when incorrect CUE files was created when merging WAV files resulted in creating of a .W64 file. - FIX: fixed ALAC encoder initialization error when Max Sample Format was set in Output Audio Settings. - NEW: (console): added /ec command line parameter (additional to /exportmeta) to export covers from the added files. - NEW: added the support of aften.exe for AC3. - NEW: increased profile name field width. - NEW: added support of lossyWAV in flac and wavpack manual command line parameters. More info at https://xrecode.com/wiki/index.php?title=Output_Format_Settings - NEW: added 352.4 Khz sample rate support for WAV encoder. - NEW: added option to limit the max output path length. - NEW: added manual encoder settings for WMA. 23.09.2020 - version 1.105 - FIX: fixed issue when incorrect sample rate was used when converting multi-channel 96Khz file to mp3. 06.09.2020 - version 1.104 - FIX: fixed issue when encoding .opus files to .wma using 2-pass encode method. - FIX: fixed encoding of 7.1 files to alac. - FIX: fixed issue when lossy to lossless confirmation was shown for copy operation. - FIX: fixed issue when tag value for DISCTOTAL and TRACKTOTAL were not read from mp3 files. 28.07.2020 - version 1.103 - NEW: added option to "Verify encoded output" for WavPack .exe encoder. - NEW: fixed issue with handling of some DVDA iso files. - NEW: added some helpful functions in tags replace file. More info at https://xrecode.com/wiki/index.php?title=Tags_replace_definition_file#List_of_functions_which_can_be_used - NEW: added Korean (EUC-KR) char-set detection when retrieving Metadata. - NEW: improved appearance of the progress bars on a classic Win7 theme. - NEW: (console): added /pt command line parameter to preserve the timestamps of files and folders (the same option as in GUI version). - FIX: fixed issue when "SplitBy" was used together with "Move source file to Recycle...". - FIX: fixed decoding of .tak files on x64". - FIX: fixed extracting of DST encoded dff files. - FIX: fixed issue when "Preserve the structure of the source folder" was creating incorrect file names on a network share. 28.05.2020 - version 1.102 - NEW: added possibility to use semicolon (;) in TagsReplace file. - NEW: added decoding support for .amr files. - NEW: fixed issue with handling of some DVDA iso files. - NEW: fixed issue when program got stuck on some Win7 PCs. - NEW: properly handle skipped frames when decoding SACD .iso files. - NEW: added option to replace illegal characters in file names will space or underscore (under Pattern settings/Additional). - NEW: added feature to specify several (comma separated ) values in the file name pattern optional parts. More info at https://xrecode.com/wiki/index.php?title=File_Name_Pattern_Elements#Optional_parts - FIX: fixed issue with transcoding DSD 5.1 to 2.0. - FIX: fixed issue with decoding of some DTS/CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue when matrices were not properly used when encoding to dsd. 06.04.2020 - version 1.101 - NEW: added Windows 10 long file names support. - NEW: added Loudness Normalization (http://k.ylo.ph/2016/04/04/loudnorm.html) under Normalize settings. - NEW: added function to reset program settings under About/Advanced. - FIX: fixed "GetTitleGain failed" issue occcuring for some files. - FIX: fixed isue when manually specified command line parameters were not working wiht tak encoder. - FIX: improved DSD encoding quality by using sox library (https://github.com/mansr/sox). - FIX: fixed issue when files were not added from XRECODE3 list file. 19.02.2020 - version 1.100 - NEW: program will display error when trying to decode scrambled DVDA iso. - NEW: wav files won't be scanned for chapters (too confusing). If chapters are needed, rename them to .bwf. - NEW: updated to wavpack 5.2 - FIX: fixed issue when saving Metadata in some flac files. - FIX: improved dsd to pcm conversion quality. - FIX: fixed issue with creating some .w64 files. 10.01.2020 - version 1.99 - NEW: Added support for transferring more id3v2 to other formats. - NEW: Added "Shutdown PC when done" setting also under Settings/Process. - NEW: Updated FLAC to 1.3.3. - FIX: fixed issue when program froze while decoding some SACD .iso files. - FIX: fixed issue when program froze while adding some .wav files. 06.12.2019 - version 1.98 - NEW: improved detection of DTS Audio CDs. - NEW: added read support for chapters in BWF/WAV/RF64 files. - NEW: added option to encode to DTS via Surcode. - NEW: (console): added dts as a destination. - NEW: (console): added dts as a destination. - NEW: (console): added /encoderexe command line parameter to specify executable of the encoder (works for dts only). - NEW: (console): added /pad command line parameter. Works the same as Remove clicks when decoding/Number of samples to Skip/Pad. - NEW: (console): added /fadein /fadeout command line parameters. - FIX: fixed issue with decoding some SACD .iso files. - FIX: fixed AV error when resampling some flac files. - FIX: fixed issue when program become unresponsive when Add button was pressed (happened for some PCs equipped with a blue-ray drive). 17.10.2019 - version 1.97 - NEW: DTS 96/24 tracks will now be recognized as 24-bit ones. - FIX: fixed issue when TOTALTRACKS Metadata was wrongly written into output m4a files. - FIX: fixed issue with encoding of some FLAC files to DSD. 14.09.2019 - version 1.96 - NEW: Track and Title tags will now be added to the merged audio file (if they are equal for all tracks). - FIX: fixed issue with extracting tracks from some DFF/CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue with merging to DFF/DSF some DFF/CUE files. 11.09.2019 - version 1.95 - NEW: moved Artist and Comment under Audiobook Metadata tags. - FIX: fixed issue with extracting tracks from SACD .iso files. 05.09.2019 - version 1.94 - NEW: added option to name channels when splitting file into channels (under Settings/Patterns/Additional Settings). - NEW: added Korean translation. - NEW: added options to always center Program and Progress windows (under Program Settings/UI). - NEW: added functionality to extract MLP streams from DVDA iso files. - NEW: added multiple audio streams support for mka files. - NEW: added grouping by stereo/multi-channel for DVDA iso file tracks. - NEW: added functionality to specify global Audiobook Metadata tags (available under Metadata tab when Audiobook is selected as Output Format). - NEW: added U-Law/A-Law encoder. - NEW: added option to Apply color to alternate rows for Source Files list (under Settings/UI). - NEW: added option to removre clicks from SACD audio files when decoding by specifying number of samples to trim/pad. - NEW: added option to ask warnn when converting lossy files to lossless format (under Settings/Process). - NEW: updated lame to 3.100.1 - FIX: fixed issue "Whenever I try to manually type a NEW: path into the Output Path box, and I press the space key, the caret returns to the beginning of the path". - FIX: fixed AV error when merging m4b files. - FIX: fixed issue when profile settings were messed up after arranging and creating the NEW: one. - FIX: fixed character encoding detection for some .wpl files. - FIX: fixed issue when Metadata from internet was not populated if not first choice. - FIX: fixed issue with extracting some tracks from large SACD .iso files. 26.06.2019 - version 1.93 - NEW: added option "Copy file if the input bitrate is less or equal to the output bitrate" under MP3 Transcode settings. - NEW: added option "Report errors in added files before start" (under Program Settings/Misc). - NEW: added "Apply dynamic range compression" option under MP3 and M4A Output Settings. - FIX: fixed issue when Metadata was not saved in dff files. - FIX: fixed decoding of some DVDA iso files. - FIX: fixed decoding of some DTS/CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue when OK button was disabled for some encoder settings when program was started from a shell. 04.05.2019 - version 1.92 - FIX: fixed handling of DATE tags in some flac files. 26.04.2019 - version 1.91 - NEW: added function to arrange profiles (under profiles list right-click menu). - NEW: from now on console and GUI program will have the same version number. - NEW: (console): added /scandts command line parameter (works the same as "Scan WAV files for DTS stream option"). - FIX: fixed decoding of some DVDA iso files. - FIX: fixed issue when program required to have a write access for some APE files in order to open them. - FIX: fixed issue TagsReplace was not working with values containing [] chars. - FIX: improved performance of encoding to mp3, ogg for PCs with many cores. 30.03.2019 - version 1.90 - NEW: when some (not all) of the added files were discarded (e.g. no audio stream was found), errors will be reported at the end of the process. - NEW: added option to encode per folder for multi-channel action (under Action/Encode to multi-channel file). - NEW: added NEW: pattern element %channels%. It will be replaced with the number of channels of the output file. - NEW: added option to specify file name pattern for "Encode to multi-channel file" operation. - FIX: fixed issue with transcoding some of DSD files form DSD128 to DSD64. 02.03.2019 - version 1.89 - NEW: added support for decoding of DVDA audio from ISO files. - NEW: added option "Always transcode" for WavPack library encoder. When enabled, SACD audio will always be decoded to PCM and then encoded to WavPack. - NEW: all JPEGs will now be saved as baseline to be more compatible with devices not supporting the progressive ones. - NEW: added option to add silence (in seconds) to the beginning and end of the track (under Output Settings). - FIX: fixed issue when setting "The default sample rate when converting to PCM" to 44100 caused corruption in extracted ISO files. - FIX: fixed issue when program was unable to move the SACD ISO file to the Recycle Bin. - FIX: fixed handling of some dff files. 20.01.2019 - version 1.88 - NEW: added support for decoding of DVDA audio. Currently you need to add .IFO file (from AUDIO_TS folder) to the program (no ISO support). - NEW: added option "Never delete CUE files" (under Program Settings/CUE). When enabled, CUE files won't be deleted/sent to Recycle Bin. - NEW: SACD ISOs and DFF/DSF files will now be decoded with the same decoder. - NEW: when merging both areas of SACD ISOs at once, %area% element will be added to the output file name pattern (if it's missing) to have a unique output file name per area. - FIX: fixed issue when CUE file was not moved to Recycle Bin when converting to the source folder. - FIX: do not auto resize the "Total" column. - FIX: fixed issue when grabbing CD to external USB drive. - FIX: fixed issue while decoding some mp2 files. - FIX: fixed character detection in Windows-1250 encoded CUE files. - FIX: program won't auto close when just some action from Utilities was run, e.g. Analyze gain. 14.12.2018 - version 1.87 - NEW: updated to opus 1.3. - NEW: added Chinese Simplified translation. - NEW: added NEW: pattern element %disc3%. The same as %disc%, only if value is 1/1, it will be discarded. - NEW: added way to access value for tags with multiple values, e.g. %genre(1)% will return the 1st value of the multiple genres. - NEW: added option to merge SACD using the source compression (DSD/DST), i.e. if it's compressed as DST, the resulting merge file will be as created as DST as well (see under Program Settings/SACD). - NEW: added option to automatically close Metadata window when retrieving Metadata from internet for the inserted CD (will pick the 1st available option and close). - NEW: fade in/out can now be specified also as 0.2 till 0.9 seconds. - FIX: fixed issue when "Reuse original CUE if possible" was used together with "Create files in source folder". - FIX: show dialogue box when extract method is not applicable for the input format. - FIX: fixed issue when track no in Metadata editor was automatically set to several albums at once. - FIX: fixed issue while opening some dff files. - FIX: fixed issue when incorrect CUE file was created when merging files directly to the removable device. - FIX: fixed issue when "Remove Silence" was not removing silence from the end of the file. - FIX: fixed issue when all (not only checked) tracks where analysed from Utilities/ReplayGain. - FIX: fixed issue when silence was detected incorrectly for some files. - FIX: fixed issue when program got stuck while merging SACD file per folder. 14.10.2018 - version 1.86 - NEW: added support for id3v2 tag TDRC (treat as year). - NEW: added function to export files list with audio info (under Utilities/Export List To/txt (with audio info). - NEW: added support for ISO/WavPack files. - NEW: added option to exclude file names from processing (under Program Settings/Misc). - NEW: added function to convert cover files (under Utilities/Convert cover files). - NEW: added option to replace dots/dashes with dashes/dots (under Settings/Patterns/Additional Settings). - NEW: added option to choose WMA codec (under WMA Settings). - NEW: "skip bad frames" by default on for decoding dts streams. - FIX: fixed issue when converting read only files to the same folder. - FIX: fixed issue when converting files located on a removable drive (and also having temp folder set to removable drive) to the same folder. - FIX: improved encoding detection for come CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue with resampling/encoding to file-per-channel audio files with more than 8 channels. 25.08.2018 - version 1.85 - NEW: added option "Do not resize if smaller" under Metadata options. - NEW: when encoding SACD ISOs to WavPack, WavPack/DSD will always be used as encoder. - NEW: added option to extracd SACD by preserving the original encoding (DFF/DST) under Extract settings. - NEW: added Spanish translation. - FIX: fixed issue with merging of some files to DFF. - FIX: fixed issue when "Copy all non-audio files to the destination folder" was not working with copying to USB drives. - FIX: fixed issue when tags were not saved in split MP3 files. - FIX: fixed issue when 32bit int WAV files were encoded as 32bit float WavPack. - FIX: fixed issue when if was not possible to add more files after previous dropping of files was cancelled. - FIX: fixed issue when merging some CBR mp3 files. 17.07.2018 - version 1.84 - NEW: added option "Combine files with same track number to one" under Encode Settings. - FIX: fixed issue with handling of 32bit float WAV files. - FIX: fixed issue with extracting from some MP3/CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue with encoding/merging some MP3 files to M4A. - FIX: fixed issue when INDEX 01 for CUE was calculated incorrectly. - FIX: fixed issue when saving Metadata in some M4A files. 04.07.2018 - version 1.83 - NEW: added %bitrate% as a file name pattern element. - NEW: added option to specify file name pattern for Copy operation. - NEW: delete !%!INVISIBLE.DONTUPDATE!%!ENCODE_INFO tag produced by venc. - FIX: fixed bass init error 46. 20.06.2018 - version 1.82 - FIX: fixed AV error when testing MP3 Encoder. 19.06.2018 - version 1.81 - NEW: added support for auTuV ogg encoder (venc.exe/venc64.exe). - NEW: added option "Use temp folder when converting files onto a removable device" under Settings/Misc (will improve performance). - NEW: added sample rates up to 384000 for W64 and RF64 encoders. - NEW: added Output Settings for DSD encoder. - FIX: fixed issue when SACD Volume gain was not applied when decoding DST encoded SACD tracks. - FIX: fixed issue with creating audio-book by merging m4a files. 25.05.2018 - version 1.80 - NEW: added workaround for older (3.93.1) lame.exe. - FIX: fixed handling of come CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue with handling of 1 track SACD iso files. - FIX: fixed issue when 16bit dts files were encoded as 32bit wavpack. - FIX: fixed issue with large covers in ogg files. - FIX: fixed raw playback time indicator issue. - FIX: removed sample rates bigger than 48KHz from Opus settings. - FIX: added sample rates up to 96Khz for M4A Settings (as some aac encoders supports them). - FIX: fixed issue when cbr/vbr modes were not used for fhgaacenc.exe/fdkaac.exe. - FIX: fixed issue with clearing tags from DFF files. 30.04.2018 - version 1.79 - FIX: fixed error message about missing bcrypt.dll. 29.04.2018 - version 1.78 - FIX: fixed issue when it was not possible to create more than 9 tabs. - FIX: fixed issue when some folder were not added via "Add Folder". - FIX: fixed issue with saving Metadata in some WAV files. - FIX: fixed issue when %tagnames% were not properly handled in TagsReplace file. 14.04.2018 - version 1.77 - NEW: DSD encoder will now support more than 2 channels. - FIX: fixed handling of 32bit wavpack files. - FIX: fixed seeking in some m2ts files. - FIX: fixed issue when some cleared Metadata elements were still written into output file. 30.03.2018 - version 1.76 - NEW: added option to select which tags to write to output file (under Settings/Metadata). - FIX: fixed issue with files containing very small (1x1) covers. - FIX: added option to specify default folder for covers (used when adding covers in Metadata Editor). - FIX: fixed issue when old Normalize values were used when doing second conversion, even though settings were updated. - FIX: fixed "converting variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (UInt64)" error message when setup for 7.1 matrices is used. - FIX: fixed rare AV error when using external encoders. - FIX: some high DPI tweaks. 03.03.2018 - version 1.75 - NEW: added option to replace spaces/underscores with underscores/spaces (under Settings/Patterns/Additional Settings). - NEW: enabled "Manual" ecder settings for Audiobook/qaac/Nero. - FIX: fixed AV error while rearranging items under Settings/Shell/Arrange. - FIX: fixed issue while handling corrupted ID3v2 tags in some files. - FIX: fixed issue when DST(DSD256) files were decoded as DSD64. - FIX: fixed issue while resizing Cover Art in some files. - FIX: fixed "No audio stream found" error while opening some mp3 files. - FIX: fixed issue when sometimes Metadata was not read from dff files. 16.02.2018 - version 1.74 - NEW: changing year, genre and comment for the first track in Metadata editor in Audiobook mode will set the value for all items. - NEW: enabled DoP for flac as well. Will work for up to DSD128 only. - NEW: added option "Minimize on run" (under Settings/UI). - FIX: fixed issue when files specified in "Always use this file as a cover" was not found and as a result no tags were written to output file. Program will now generate a warning. - FIX: fixed issue when program incorrectly tried to merge files with different sample rates withut transcoding. - FIX: fixed issue with extracting DSD from DST/CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue with merge output file name was not created using the 1st item in the list. - FIX: fixed issue when Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V was not working in Metadata editor items. - FIX: fixed issue when 32bitint WAV was encoded to 32bitfloat WAV. 27.01.2018 - version 1.73 - NEW: double clicking the column will now auto-size the list. 20.01.2018 - version 1.72 - NEW: added more Metadata items in Audio book mode. - NEW: renaming files will now work for selected files only. - NEW: added Sound Level normalization. - NEW: added option to create cover for each Audio book chapter (under Audiobook settings). - NEW: added option to select output sample format for WMA encoder. - NEW: added DSD-over-PCM (DoP) option under WAV Output Settings. - FIX: fixed issue with saving track/total track in some m4a files. - FIX: fixed issue when long comments were not saved in audio book. - FIX: fixed occasional errror 231 when closing the program. - FIX: DISCID was discarded when coverting CUE to CUE. - FIX: fixed issue when checked stare for sub-items under Settings/Shell/Arrange was not saved. - FIX: handle full disk error more elegantly. - FIX: fixed issue with decoding of some mod/mid files. - FIX: fixed issue when some settings were not visible in "Always on top" mode. - FIX: fixed issue when arranged columns were not saved in profile. - FIX: fixed issue with applying tempo for some files. 16.12.2017 - version 1.71 - NEW: added functionality to Export/Import Metadata from/to files (under Metadata/Metadata/Export and Metadata/Metadata/Import). - NEW: added functionality to Copy/Paste Metadata from/to tracks (under Metadata/Metadata/Copy and Metadata/Metadata/Paste). - NEW: added multiple audio streams support for .mov files. - FIX: fixed WavPack DSD encoding (so that original dsf/dff file can be fully restored via wvunpack.exe). 24.11.2017 - version 1.70 - NEW: added function to export/import program settings (under Settings/Global). - NEW: added option to write id3v1 to the mp3 files (under MP3/Settings/Metadata). - FIX: improved detection of wav/dts files even more. - FIX: fixed error 32 while moving some files to Recycle Bin. 20.11.2017 - version 1.69 - FIX: fixed issue when some WAV tags were not recognized by Explorer. 10.11.2017 - version 1.68 - NEW: added option to ignore missing CUE audio files (under Program Settings/CUE). Warning will be still shown. - NEW: show DSD audio parameters for DSD-encoded wavpack files. - FIX: fixed issue when not all chapters were read from some m4a files. - FIX: fixed issue when program created output folders ending with dots or spaces. - FIX: improved detection of wav/dts files. - FIX: read individual CUE tracks artist. - FIX: fixed issue when incorrect header was written to the 2nd and following tracks when splitting CUE/mp3 files. 22.10.2017 - version 1.67 - NEW: let lame.exe resample the input audio. - NEW: added functionality to add files from .txt file. See https://xrecode.com/wiki/index.php?title=Add_files_using_.txt_file for more info. - NEW: added functionality to save added files to .txt file. It's under Utilities (or right-click the source files and clock Utilities)/Export List To/txt. - NEW: DSD/DSF files will be converted to WavPack DSD files (only, when using wavpackdll.dll as encoder). - FIX: fixed error 183 while renaming file. - FIX: fixed issue when number of processed files in progress sometimes had incorrect value. - FIX: fixed AV error issue when extracting from some CUE/dsf files. - FIX: TRACK and TRACKTOTAL will be written into separate tags. - FIX: Fixed seek issue with some TTA tracks. - FIX: SACD volume setting was not taken into account when decoding DFF/DST/WavPack(DFF/DST) files. - FIX: fixed AV error while trying to normalize and merge DSD files . 22.09.2017 - version 1.66 - NEW: added support for GB18030 encoded CUE files. - FIX: fixed error #42 when adding cover image. 09.09.2017 - version 1.65 - NEW: added option to reset program settings by pressing shift+control+alt+F12. This will delete the current setting files (a backup zip with the current files will be created as well). - NEW: added option to load contents of the .log file into LOG Metadata item (under Metadata Settings). - NEW: remember monitor program was last run on. - FIX: fixed issue with ImageIndex assert error. - FIX: fixed issue when Metadata was not retrieved from the internet. - FIX: fixed issue when it was not possible to save Metadata in AIFF files. 01.09.2017 - version 1.64 - NEW: program won't close program when done if there were some errors during the process. - NEW: added support for Copyright tag. To enable it in Metadata editor, right-click and choose "Arrange". To enable it as a Metadata column, right-click in Metadata items and click "Arrange Columns". - NEW: added M4R as extension option under M4A encoder settings. - FIX: fixed issue with NEW: version check (in some cases). - FIX: fixed issue when MP3 bitrate was not picked up from the settings when file was added from shell. - FIX: fixed issue with DSF64 encoder. - FIX: fixed issue with writing WAV metadata (in some cases). - FIX: fixed issue when custom file name pattern was used together with the "Convert on the fly". - FIX: fixed issue when sometimes random output file names were created in audiobook/merge per folder mode. - FIX: fixed rare issue with fade in/out with some files. 09.08.2017 - version 1.63 - FIX: fixed issue with parsing of some .dff files. - FIX: "Capitalize first word" will capitalize first word and change others to the lower case. - FIX: fixed issue with extracting mp3 audio from some files. - NEW: save Metadata in LIST format as well in WAV files. - NEW: added popup menu for each of the Metadata items to capitalize just that one item. - NEW: added 256 and 512 modes for DSD encoder. - NEW: added option to specify some encode parameters for individual Shell Extension item (under Settings/Shell). - NEW: added bitrate to output audio info info tip (right-click the Output Format button). 08.07.2017 - version 1.62 - NEW: updated to libopus 1.2. - NEW: added option under Output "Settings Discard CUE output folder when "Create files in source folder" is used" to control whether output folder for CUE should be skipped. - NEW: added "Create CUE/m3u" options for DSD. - FIX: fixed issue with decoding of 4bps wav files. - FIX: fixed issue with seeking in some wav/dts files. - FIX: if SACD only contains Stereo tracks and SACD area is set to Multichannel, Stereo tracks will be added, instead. - FIX: fixed issue in handling read-only cover files. 26.06.2017 - version 1.61 - NEW: added DSD encoder. Usable to convert DSD128 to DSD64. - NEW: spaces (after and before \) will be removed from file name patterns so that folders with spaces at the beginning or end won't be created. - NEW: added option to configure Shell Extension item (under Settings/Shell). - FIX: fixed issue when "Create files in source folder" was not taken into account when "Split into file per channel" was used. - FIX: fixed issue when CUE file was not picked up via /sendto param. - FIX: fixed seek issue with some ogg files. - FIX: tweak Settings window so that it fits in 768 pixels. - FIX: make sure TITLE is always saved in CUE before PERFORMER. - FIX: make sure TITLE is always saved in CUE before PERFORMER. - FIX: when "Create files in source folder" is used, output files will always be created in the same folder. Path in the file name pattern will be ignored. It was not for CUE files. - FIX: fixed issue when cover was not saved in an external file when input file path had a % character in it. - FIX: fixed some more issues on DPI-scaled resolutions. - FIX: fixed mpls parsing issue for some blue-ray playlists. 27.05.2017 - version 1.60 - NEW: added Copy as operation. See https://xrecode.com/wiki/index.php?title=Action for more info. - NEW: Shift+Enter will add a NEW: line in Comments field. - NEW: made fade/out smoother. - NEW: resize cover when adding (if specified in Metadata Settings). - NEW: added %filetype% pattern element (works the same as %outputfiletype%). - NEW: added feature to save calculated Replay Gain values in files after Utilities/ReplayGain/Scan... was done. - FIX: fixed issue when extracted mp2 stream had .mpeg file extension. - FIX: dvd_pcm can now be extracted from video files (will be saved as WAV). - FIX: fixed issue when %filename% pattern element was not used when audio was extracted from file with multiple streams. - FIX: do not try to send network files to Recycle Bin (as they were just deleted without possibility to recover). Such files will only be deleted when "Delete source file ..." option is used. - FIX: fixed issue when "Add all source folders to the output path" was used with UNC (network) files. - FIX: handle chapters in m4a files. - FIX: allow encode MP2 to 192/48KHz. - FIX: improved DTS Audio CD detection. - FIX: fixed issue when exe file selected under M4A settings was not saved. 01.05.2017 - version 1.59 - NEW: switched https for downloads. - NEW: added decoding support for .ts files. 30.04.2017 - version 1.58 - NEW: added decoding support for .aifc files. - FIX: fixed handling of invalid id3v2 tags in dsf files. 21.04.2017 - version 1.57 - NEW: added pause/resume for player. - NEW: clicking on player time will toggle between current position/time left. - NEW: added %composer% metadata element. - FIX: fixed AV error when pressing Previous/Next song in player. - FIX: fixed playback seeking in some files. - FIX: some visual tweaks. - FIX: fixed handling of some incorrect CUE files. - FIX: fixed handling of some DTSWAV files. - FIX: fixed "Internal error: TMetadataParams temp folder is empty" when saving Metadata in DSF file. 04.04.2017 - version 1.56 - NEW: added decoding support for .aea files. - FIX: some visual tweaks. - FIX: fixed WAV to FLAC encoding. 02.04.2017 - version 1.55 - NEW: read COMT/DIIN Metadata from dff files. - FIX: fixed encoding to 16kbps WMA. - FIX: fixed "Failed to initialize FLAC encoder 1" error. Happened when program tried to embed covers larger than 16MB (those will now be skipped). - FIX: DISCNUMBER/TOTALDISCS will now be saved in CUE file. - FIX: fixed issue when custom genre was not shown in Metadata editor. - FIX: fixed issue with WAV files with multiple covers in them. - FIX: fixed issue in Metadata editor when all genres (instead of values from the selected tracks) were offered in the list. - FIX: fixed issue in Metadata editor when "Multiple" was not shown for the comments when several tracks were selected. 12.03.2017 - version 1.54 - NEW: added address bar for "Add Folder" dialogues. - NEW: Ctrl+A will now work as select all for Metatada editor elements. - NEW: added option to specify where to save CUE backup files (they will be stored in the same folder as original, if this setting is left empty). 04.03.2017 - version 1.53 - NEW: when %originalfilename% is used as a merge file name pattern, input file name will be used as output file name for files, which were added using CUE file. - NEW: added %chname% file pattern element, which will be replace by the channel name (FL, FR, C, etc.). - FIX: tweaked "Check for updates on startup" a bit. - FIX: fixed issue when "other files" from sub-folders were copied to the destination folder (even, when not told so). - FIX: fixed issue with opening of some SACD ISO files. 24.02.2017 - version 1.52 - NEW: program will now show error message when there was an error while saving ReplayGain information. - NEW: external encoder paths will now be saved using relative path, if they share the same base folder as XRECODE executable file. - NEW: added option to change application font (under Settings/Global). - FIX: fixed issue when too large value was set for "Number source folders (from the end) to include" which caused AV error while adding files. - FIX: fixed handling of DAB/AAC files. - FIX: fixed AV error when Normalization was used. - FIX: fixed issue when items in "Output Settings" were not properly saved/loaded across multiple profiles. - FIX: fixed issue when not all non-audio files were copied to the destination folder. 10.02.2017 - version 1.51 - FIX: fixed issue with fake chapters in m4a files. - FIX: fixed issue when numeric code was shown instead of the text for some values. 04.02.2017 - version 1.50 - FIX: fixed "Item not found" error. 03.02.2017 - version 1.49 - NEW: updated to libopus 1.1.4. - NEW: added support for /sendto command line parameter to support SendTo from Windows Explorer. - NEW: input file will be sent to Recycle Bin (when configured so) as soon as possible (not at the end of the process). - FIX: fixed issue when Replay Gain values were not saved in tags when Utilities/ReplayGain/Analyse as single tracks and save in Tags/CUE" was used. - FIX: fixed issue with decoding of some swf files. - FIX: fixed rare memleak. 27.01.2017 - version 1.48 - NEW: added RF64 encoder. - NEW: added WAV option to encode to RF64 if size exceeds 4Gb. - NEW: optimized Normalization scanner (when "Save in tags" option is used). - FIX: fixed dsf/CUE extract. - FIX: fixed issue when previous file covers where shown for the files without any covers in it. - FIX: write "junk" chunk when encoding to WAV only when "Encode to W64 if output file is larger than 4GB" option is enabled. - FIX: use "Normalize" option set from the GUI when adding files from Shell. - FIX: fixed issue when "Normalize" option was not preserved when changing profiles. - FIX: fixed DSF to DSF extract issue. - FIX: fixed handling of some mpls playlist files. - FIX: fixed issue with "Apply to audio" normalization for high RG values. - FIX: fixed stuttering playback issue with 24Bit/352KHz files. - FIX: fixed issue when flac.exe was used as an encoder. - FIX: fixed issue with "Copy files ..." under Misc settings when files were not copied to all output folders (but only to the 1st). 07.01.2017 - version 1.47 - FIX: fixed AV error in some encode scenarios. 07.01.2017 - version 1.46 - NEW: optimized performance of Cover saving. - NEW: use dB in Split By and Remove silence settings. - NEW: added option to specify file masks to use when copying other files to the destination folder (under Program Settings/Misc). - NEW: updated x64 libvorbis.dll from https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,109766.0.html. - NEW: added separate pattern for CUE and M3U file under Pattern settings to specify cue/playlist output file name. - NEW: Updated FLAC to 1.3.2. - NEW: Updated libebur128 v1.2.0. - FIX: fixed issues when patterns were used with /onthefly. - FIX: fixed issue with CUE/M3U pattern when custom values was used. - FIX: fixed sorting of added folders (i.e. Folder10 will not be befer Folder1). - FIX: fixed AV error while inserting Audio CD. - FIX: fixed issue when 48KHz audio was not resampled to 44.1Khz. - FIX: fixed mpls parsing issue for some blue-ray playlists. - FIX: fixed issue with "Capitalize Each Word" pattern setting. 18.12.2016 - version 1.45 - NEW: added option to save CUE files using BOM (under Settings/CUE). - NEW: added CUE/M3U pattern option under Pattern settings to specify playlist output file name. - NEW: Source files and Metadata list can now be refreshed by pressing F5. - NEW: SACD/DSF/DFF files can now be merged to DFF/DSF (under SACD Settings). - NEW: reduced time used when adding lot of mp3 files to the program. - NEW: added TTA encoding support. - NEW: added option to prevent multiple instances of the application (under Settings/Global). - NEW: M3U file will be saved in the same codepage as Id3v2 tags (if set under MP3 Metadata Settings). - FIX: fixed M3U creation when files are added from and converted to multiple folders. - FIX: fixed TAK/CUE decoding in 64bit version. - FIX: fixed issue when program tried to create CUE with too long file name. - FIX: fixed issue with encoding/decoding of 6.1 audio files. - FIX: fixed issue with decoding of some m4a files. - FIX: fixed issue with decoding of some ofr files. - FIX: fixed issue when not all Metadata was read from CUE. - FIX: fixed "Utilities/Export list to/m3u" when output file type was used instead of one from the input file. 27.11.2016 - version 1.44 - NEW: added "Cover Art" metadata column to indicate whether Cover Art is present in the file. - FIX: fixed Metadata items arrange issue. - FIX: fixed issue when not all Output Path items were saved/loaded. - FIX: Improved Cover art display quality when more than one file is selected. - FIX: Don't discard unsaved Cover when moving away from unsaved file in Metadata editor. 19.11.2016 - version 1.43 - NEW: added support to extract audio from DFF/CUE files. - NEW: added support for OFR presets 0-10. - NEW: Read Dynamic Range tags from input file. - NEW: added extract support for truehd and eac3 streams. - NEW: Populate Genres with default ones in Metadata editor. - FIX: fixed issue with parsing of some flac files. - FIX: fixed %outputfiletype% pattern element. - FIX: fixed grabbing of DTS AudioCd. - FIX: fixed W64 encoding. - FIX: Improved Cover art display quality. 05.11.2016 - version 1.42 - NEW: added %folder% file name pattern element. Will be replaced with the input file folder. - NEW: added option to select file name pattern from the main screen. - NEW: added RAW decoding support. Settings are under Settings/Misc/RAW. Extensions supported are .raw, .bin and .snd. - NEW: added RAW encoder. Useful to export headerless PCM data in format specified under Output Settings. - NEW: Cover file name can now contain filename pattern elements (e.g. %album%^_^%albumartist%). - FIX: fixed SACD DSF extract. - FIX: fixed "Preserve timestamp of files and folders" when timestamp was not set for the output file. 20.10.2016 - version 1.41 - NEW: Allow ALAC to encode to 32bit (works only with refalac). - FIX: fixed issue with spaces in output path. 18.10.2016 - version 1.40 - NEW: added option "Draw text over the progress bar" under Settings/UI. If enabled it will make the progress window a bit more compact. - FIX: fixed some issues with tabs closing. 07.10.2016 - version 1.39 - NEW: added "Always on top" option under Settings/Global. - NEW: Brought back profiles. They are enabled once "Use tabs" setting is turned off. - FIX: fixed audio extract from files with mpeg (mp2) audio. - FIX: fixed "TMetadataParams temp folder is empty" when adding some CUE files. - FIX: Clicking on email link under About will start the default email client. - FIX: fixed issue when spaces were stripped from output file name when Capitalize option was used in filename patterns. 23.09.2016 - version 1.38 - NEW: Updated German translation. - NEW: added option to use input file chapers (Under Settings/Misc). Useful when no splitting into chapters is required. - NEW: added Transcode Settings under MP3 Settings. Added option there to skip file if it's bitrate is smaller that the output bitrate. - NEW: added option to lock the current tab, i.e. no updates in settings can be done. Under Tab/Settings menu and/or Tab caption right-click menu. - NEW: added option to clone the current tab (under Tab/Settings menu and/or Tab caption right-click menu). - FIX: fixed random AV error when using resampler/dither. - FIX: fixed AV error when opening CUE with more that one audio file in it. 16.09.2016 - version 1.37 - NEW: Metadata can now be saved in DSF files. - NEW: added "Reset to Default" button for Pattern Settings. - NEW: Metadata from audio file has higher priority than one in CUE file. - FIX: fixed Bitrate calculation for M4A files. - FIX: fixed Shell Extension bitmap transparncy on Windows 10. - FIX: fixed error while encoding SACD to AC3. 02.09.2016 - version 1.36 - NEW: added %outputfiletype% pattern element. - NEW: added Skip First/Last n source folders under Output Settings. - NEW: added "Change Case" option under Pattern settings. - FIX: fixed mising setting error when creating Audiobook. - FIX: fixed AV error in shell extension. - FIX: fixed AV error when deleting all selected items. - FIX: fixed AV error when using multiple tabs. - FIX: Order of files, added from playlists, will be preserved in Metadata editor. 28.08.2016 - version 1.35 - NEW: Ctrl+Up/Down moves within tracks in Metadata editor. - NEW: PCM can now be extracted from video files. - NEW: added "Export list to CUE/M3U" under Utilities button and files right-click menu. - NEW: Restored feature to retrieve tags from file name (under Metadata Editor/Metadata/Retrieve/From Filename or right-click menu). - NEW: Restored feature to capitalize Metadata elements (under Metadata Editor/Metadata/Capitalize or right-click menu). - FIX: fixed decoding of shorten files. - FIX: fixed some more issues on DPI-scaled resolutions. - FIX: fixed album selection when retrieving Metadata from internet. - FIX: fixed file path creation when custom album name was used in pattern. - FIX: fixed AV errors when processing some alac files. - FIX: fixed isse when %U and %L values in pattern elements were not picked up. 18.08.2016 - version 1.34 - FIX: fixed encoding to 96000/24 AIFF. - FIX: fixed some issues on DPI-scaled resolutions. 15.08.2016 - version 1.33 - NEW: Prevent neroAacEnc.exe from writing chpl atom. - NEW: DFF files can now be converted to DSF via Extract method. - FIX: Improved CDDB error handling. 13.08.2016 - version 1.32 - FIX: fixed issue when empty TXXX: tag was written into MP3 files. 11.08.2016 - version 1.31 - NEW: Unsaved Metadata will now be highlighted. - NEW: added option to extract SACD as DSF (under Extract Settings). - NEW: Cover images can now be dragged onto program directly from Chrome/Firefox. - NEW: added feature to auto-replace Track with zero-padded value via tags replace file. - NEW: added feature to monitor clipboard for presence of image in it (under Settings/Misc). If enabled, image will be added to the selected tracks in Metadata editor. - NEW: added French translation. - NEW: added Ctrl+T as a shortcut for Program Settings. - NEW: added option to preserve files and folders timestamps (under Program Settings/Process). - NEW: added right-click menu to rename current Tab. - FIX: fixed "Floating point division by zero" error when extracting some SACD ISO files. - FIX: fixed error with "Eject CD after done". - FIX: fixed issue when "Create files in source folder" was used together with "Normalize" and "Remove Silence". 06.08.2016 - version 1.30 - NEW: Replaced faac.exe with fhgaacenc.exe under M4A settings. 03.08.2016 - version 1.29 - NEW: It is now possible to delete item from "Output Path" via Ctrl+Delete. - FIX: fixed handling of some m2ts/mpls files. 30.07.2016 - version 1.28 - NEW: Source files can now be reordered by drag and drop. - NEW: added "Download lame" under MP3 Settings. - NEW: added "Reference level" option for EBUR128 scanner. - FIX: fixed issue when normalizing more than one folder at a time. - FIX: fixed missing Artist tag when converting to WMA. - FIX: fixed issue when flac.exe was used as a flac encoder. - FIX: fixed visul glitch in Metadata settings. 26.07.2016 - version 1.27 - NEW: added Portuguese translation. - NEW: added output files extension option for AIFF encoder. 24.07.2016 - version 1.26 - NEW: fixed issue when processing lots of small files. - NEW: added priority setting under Settings/Process. - NEW: added "Scan WAV files for DTS stream" under Settings/Misc. 20.07.2016 - version 1.25 - NEW: added Dynamic Range scanner (available under Utilities/Dynamic Range). - NEW: added option to set max length of the output file (under Output File Settings). 04.07.2016 - version 1.24 - FIX: fixed issue with m3u creation. - FIX: fixed issue when "Remove %artist% ..." was used in Filename Pattern settings. - FIX: fixed issue when some items in Metadata Editor were not shown. - NEW: Show "VBR MAX" as a bitrate for mp3 preset V0. 26.06.2016 - version 1.23 - FIX: fixed issues in merge by folder. - FIX: fixed ReplayGain dB settings. - FIX: fixed CUE/BIN handling. - FIX: fixed issue when output files were created on all lower case. - FIX: fixed issue when sometimes after resize blank cover was added to the output file. 14.06.2016 - version 1.22 - NEW: Improved NEW: version check. - FIX: fixed SACD DSD extract. 04.06.2016 - version 1.21 - NEW: All tracks will now be selected automatically when analyzig or clearing Replay Gain. - FIX: fixed handling of CUE files with Unix style EOLs. - FIX: fixed issue when files were not moved to Recycle Bin. 22.05.2016 - version 1.20 - FIX: fixed display of files with chapters. - NEW: Moved "Delete source file when done" under "Settings". 07.05.2016 - version 1.19 - FIX: Progress display fixes. 29.04.2016 - version 1.18 - NEW: added support for Performer Metadata element. - NEW: added support for per folder AudioBook encoding (under Audiobook settings). If checked, each folder will be encoded as a separate Audiobook. - NEW: added support for per folder merging (under Merge settings). If checked, each folder will be merged into a separate file. - NEW: added option for multiple album artist values for merge operations (under Merge settings). - NEW: added option to extract support files from iTunes setup needed for M4A encoding usiong qaac (under "Addintioanl Settings" button for qaac.exe settings). - FIX: fixed some more SACD Metadata handling. 06.04.2016 - version 1.17 - FIX: Do not try to merge files with different number of channels without transcoding. - FIX: fixed AV error when saving Metadata to m4a files. - FIX: Greately reduced time taken to merge to m4a using qaac, especially when dealing with large files over network. - FIX: fixed SACD track titles character encoding problem. - FIX: fixed mp3 preset settings (was off by one). - FIX: Program won't update itself on exit when update was downloaded. - FIX: fixed issue when program was closed when files were added from Shell. 01.04.2016 - version 1.16 - NEW: added decoding support for SACD ISO files. - NEW: added support for chapter selection for tracks when creating Audiobook (under Metadata editor). - NEW: Holding Ctrl while dropping files will preserve existing ones when "Remove existing files from list when adding NEW: ones" is enabled. - NEW: added "Clear" option under Metadata menu to clear all Metadata (including covers) from selectec files. - FIX: Prevent progress window from closing while busy. - FIX: fixed Pause/Cancel/Confirm in progress window. 12.03.2016 - version 1.15 - NEW: Progress caption will now show DoneFiles/TotalFiles. - FIX: Removed support for lame_enc.dll for the time being. - FIX: fixed issue when Metadata was not saved in some m4a files. - FIX: fixed issue when incorrect "Open output folder after conversion" was opened. 03.03.2016 - version 1.14 - FIX: fixed AV error when "Same as Source" and "Resize" for covers options were used. - FIX: fixed AV error when grabbing CD and "Auto retrieve Metadata" was used with "Auto Start after files added". 23.02.2016 - version 1.13 - FIX: fixed sound distortion when decoding m4a files. 21.02.2016 - version 1.12 - NEW: added option "Split into file per channel" under merge settings. - NEW: "Analyse as Album" scan is possible with ReplayGain as well. - NEW: added option to treat each folder as album when doing "Analyse as Album" scan. - FIX: fixed disappearing Output Path issues. 09.02.2016 - version 1.10 - FIX: fixed issue with file names when simplified Add Folder was used to add files from NAS. - FIX: fixed issue when source files were moved to Recycle Bin even when input and output file names are equal. 04.02.2016 - version 1.9 - NEW: Updated progress window to act like one in xrecode 2, i.e. all files will retain theur position. - NEW: Settings will be saved in file when OK is pressed (not only when program is closed). - NEW: Show progress window while adding dragged and dropped files. - FIX: Program will now prompt for archive password, if it's encrypted. - FIX: fixed issue when "Additional Output File Settings" were not properly applied. 31.01.2016 - version 1.8 - NEW: added simplified Add Folder under "Add Folder". - NEW: added option to remove Artist/Album Artist when they are the same for all tracks (under Pattern Settings). - FIX: fixed handling of 32bit alac files. 18.01.2016 - version 1.7 - NEW: added option to arrange Metadata items (under right-click). - NEW: Double-clicking on output path will open that folder in Windows Explorer. - NEW: added option to extract opus audio. - NEW: Display Metadata retrieval error. - NEW: Program will now remember last folder which was used to add Cover from. - FIX: fixed output file name creation when AlbumArtist had a dot at the end. - FIX: Visual fixes when no tabs are used. - FIX: Metadata editor will be disabled when "Convert on the fly" option is enabled. 15.12.2015 - version 1.6 - NEW: added support for Windows rating tag for mp3 files. - NEW: added option to display custom Metadata columns (under right-click/Arrange columns). - FIX: fixed "Shutdown PC when done". Sleep was always used as a method, regardless of the setting. 15.11.2015 - version 1.5 - NEW: added "Delete damaged/not supported files (when configured so)" under Misc settings. - FIX: fixed some AV errors when reloading files. - FIX: fixed track positioning issue with some m2ts files. 08.11.2015 - version 1.4 - NEW: Improved CUE save. - NEW: Ctrl+A selects all text in log. - NEW: Holding Ctrl while dropping files will clear existing ones, regardless of setting "Remove existing files from list when adding NEW: ones" value. - NEW: Always show collapse indicator for input files. - NEW: added some OutputDebugString for beta versions. - NEW: added error message when output file path is too long and cannot be shortened. - NEW: added option to copy all (including audio-files) to the destination folder (under Misc settings). - FIX: fixed issue when "Add all source folders to the output path" was used with CUE files. - FIX: Program won't close in case there was an error when processing file sent from the shell. - FIX: fixed handling of n-sides CUE file. - FIX: fixed issue with blank column captions. 16.10.2015 - version 1.3 - NEW: added option to skip/don't skip bad frames in files. Warning will be shown at the end, if some frames were skipped. - NEW: added "Use source bitrate" option under MP3 Settings. - NEW: added Inout/Output file size columns. - NEW: added quality setting for SOX resampler. - NEW: Improved bitrate detection. - FIX: fixed handling of some m4a files. - FIX: fixed hang when adding files from shell and converting to the source folder. 04.10.2015 - version 1.2 - NEW: Improved MP3 settings. - FIX: fixed beta/release version handling. 04.10.2015 - version 1.1 - FIX: Some AV violations fixed. - FIX: fixed "Same as Source" output file name for CUE files. - FIX: fixed "Delete source" for CUE files. - FIX: Incremental seach in simple "Add Folder" is not case sensitive anymore. 30.09.2015 - version 1.0 - Initial version