Tags replace definition file

Revision as of 17:39, 24 June 2020 by Wikiadmin (talk | contribs)
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Here's the example of tags replace file. Rows starting with # are comments and are ignored.

# Values must be put into sections.
# The following section names are supported:
# [*] is for all tags, i.e. values specified under this section will be replace in all tags
# Following tag-specific identifiers can be used. Values will be replaced only in specified tag.
# [Conductor]
# [Date]
# [Publisher]
# [Lyrics]
# [Flags]
# [ISRC]
# [Title]
# [Catalog]
# [Year]
# [Genre]
# [Artist]
# [Album]
# [DiscId]
# [BPM]
# [Album Artist]
# [Composer]
# [Content Group]
# [Compilation]
# [Disc]
# [Track]
# [Comments]
# [Encoded by]
# Format is <value from>=<value to>
# where <value from> is case-sensitive value, which will be replaced
# with <value to>, which is RegEx expression.
# If you want to do a case insensitive replacement, add ! to the name of the section
# Those are specific value, which can be used as <value from>:
# <NULL> is used to specify empty tag
# <ANY> is used to specify any value
# Special values which can be used in value
# %y - current year (nn)
# %Y - current year (nnnn)
# %m - current month (nn)
# %d - current day (nn)

# The following can be used for Track
# [Track]
# <ANY>=%track2%/%totaltracks2%
# which means that value for Track will be replaced with zero-padded value of Track
# %totaltracks2% will be replaced with zero-padded value of number of all tracks

[Encoded by]
<ANY>=Encoded by me @ %F %T



[Album Artist]

# case sensitive replacement for all tags

#special case for semicolon (;)
#it must be escaped with the \, e.g. \;
#to remove semicolon from all tags, use

<NULL>=Some Artists

<ANY>=Some Album

#All tags to UPPER case
#All tags to lower case
#Capitalize Each Word for all tags

  • <NULL> means that only empty (null) value will be replaced.
  • <ANY> means the any (empty or not) value will be replaced.
  • Any value from File Name Pattern Elements can be used.
  • %CHANGECASE% is a spcecial id, which means that case for all tags will be changed according to specified value (UpperCase, LowerCase or CapitalizEeachWord)
# List of functions which can be used
# $$File(n)
# - use tags from n-th file
# $$FirstFile()
# - use tags from first file
# $$LastFile()
# - use tags from last file
# $$OnlyIfAllAreEqual()
# - only use the tag if all values in all files are equeal
# $$FirstNonEmpty()
# - take 1st non-empty value

# this will apply the function to all tags

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